Sunday, June 28, 2015

How to save on visits to the vetanarian

 This is one of my cats , Lily . She has behavior issues once in awhile and I would have to take her to the vet and spent $75 or more for a 15 minute visit . To give her a shot and have the doctor tell me what might be wrong with her . 
 In my area ( you would need to research if you have this available ) there are clinics at animal shelters that are held for pet owners to bring their animals in and either get them fixed or shots . They also have forms you can fill out to go to your regular pet's doctor . Most of the next visit could be 100% covered or pay half . I brought my other cat to one of the clinics to get her spade . I only had to pay $45 . Opposed to $145 I had to shall out for Lily . Ask your local animal shelter or even vetanarian if there are programs in your area . Keep your animals healthy as well as your wallet . 

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